Kawruh Basa – Di bawah ini salah satu contoh soal UTS untuk SD kelas 1 semester 1 lengkap dengan jawabannya untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Jawa .
Wacanen kang patitis!
ayo kenalan karo aku jenengku nina aku kelas siji umurku nem taun bapakku asmane pak madi ibuku asmane bu dewi aku seneng maca kangmasku jenenge roni mas roni seneng dolanan layangan mbakyuku jenenge weni mbak weni kuliyah ing yogyakarta
1. Wenehana tandha silang (x) ing jawaban kang bener ing ngisor iki !
Ini adalah soal pilihan ganda dan hanya butuh satu jawaban yang paling tepat.
1. Umure nina … taun.
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
2. Mas roni seneng dolanan ….
a. layangan
b. nekeran
c. umpetan
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
3. Sirah basa kramane mustaka yen rambut basa kramane …
a. madharan
b. rikma
c. waja
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
4. Mripat basa kramane ….
a. rikma
b. untu
c. talingan
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
5. Mbah kakung lara untu, yen dikramakake dadi mbah kakung gerah ….
a. madharan
b. waja
c. mustaka
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
6. Ibu lara weteng yen dikramakake dadi ibu gerah ….
a. racikan
b. suku
c. padharan
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
7. Dhokter mriksa mripate bapak. Tembung mripate salah, sing bener ….
a. madharanipun
b. mustakanipun
c. paningalipun
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
8. Bapake ibu utawa bapak diarani ….
a. embah kakung
b. pakdhe
c. paklik
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
9. Ibune bapak utawa ibu diarani ….
a. pakdhe
b. paklik
c. embah putri
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
10. Gambar ing ngisor iki apa?
a. irung
b. tangan
c. mripat
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
11. Sikil gunane kanggo ….
a. mlaku
b. ngrungokake
c. mangan
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
12. Yen ngrungokake nganggo ….
a. kuping
b. mripat
c. Lambe
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
13. Gambar ing ingisor iki mbak Weni lagi ….
a. mangan
b. sinau
c. nyapu
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
14. Kwek-kwek-kwek suarane ….
a. kucing
b. wedhus
c. bebek
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
15. Kucing suarane ….
a. meong-meong
b. embek-embek
c. kukuruyuk
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
2. Isinen nganggo tembung-tembung sing cocog
Ini adalah pertanyaan yang perlu dijawab dengan tulisan.
16. Iki gambare …
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
17. Rambut basa kramane …
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
18. Weteng basa kramane padharan, yen tangan basa kramane …
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
19. Mbah putri lara sirah, yen dikramakake dadi mbah putri gerah …
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
20. Sedulurku sing luwih enom diarani …
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
21. Kangmase bapak utawa ibu diarani …
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
22. Paklik padha karo paman, yen bulik padha karo …
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
23. Mas roni lagi … kembang
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
24. Bel sekolah suarane …
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
25. Kewan iki suarane …
Some short text that can be expanded to show more details.
Some long text that will be expanded when the show more button is clicked by the visitor.
Baca juga Soal Bahasa Jawa Kelas 1 SD Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban